Broken Experiences

How terrible life will ‘whip’ you should you ‘taste’ some broken experiences. It is terrifying when you are betrayed, go through pains or people speak foul words against you. In life, many of us go through some broken experiences. Permit me to share a bit of my experience with you. Just like everyone, I also do have my broken experiences. Many a time people see me with all the smiles thinking all is well. Despite my smiles and what I go through, people still say foul things and draw bad images about me.

Like the saying goes “there is a reason behind every smile.” You see people smile all the time. You see them happy, right? So, you think all is well with them and so you can say anything to them? Well, you have your choice to do so but you need to know that all these can break the person down. Let us ask ourselves if we play roles in people’s broken experiences.

Those who know me quite well and are exposed to my spiritual giftings call me a pain absorber because God has blessed me with the gifts of Mercy and Compassion. Quite a number of those who know me well do take advantage of my ‘weakness.’

I am a victim of broken trust. Not that I have been in a relationship and had a broken heart but people have really hurt me to the core. Personally, being taken advantage of in such a manner is what I term broken trust. In my case, those who have hurt me cannot say ‘I wasn’t aware I was hurting you.’ That would be a big lie because many of these people looked into my eyes and spat on my face, they took advantage of my weakness and absence and shared what was supposed to remain secret between them and me, they exposed that thing I was scared to let out, that one thing that I got ‘relived’ after sharing with them and I felt they were the only people who should know about that thing.

Anyway, the good news is joy comes in every morning. It may be difficult to forgive but it is better to let go than to live in anger, frustration and distress while the culprit is ‘enjoying.’ Of course, it is not going to be easy but it is doable and possible. You can! Instead of holding back, make amends, know who else to talk to and share your worries, find out the right way of putting things across and trust me, despite your broken experiences, you will always smile and put aside the bad past experiences. This worked for me. I always told myself ‘pay no mind to those who talk behind your back.’ Do you know why? You are steps ahead of them. Shake of your feet, keep the smile you deserve and move on.

You may be wondering what at all I am trying to put across. I am only here to tell you how to repair your life and bring it back in shape from a broken experience. The question that needs immediate answer is, ‘should that happen to me again, where do I start from?’

I have shared just an ‘overview’ of my experiences and my thoughts. I haven’t really tackled deep into my life. You need to smile, let go and have hope for the better no matter what you go through.

The best things shared are life experiences. They reveal the true realities of life. Share my ‘little’ experiences with others. Share your experiences too, these may go a long way to ‘resurrect’ someone. Anticipate more from me.

Thank you.


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