Today is Ghana Independence Day-2021

Ghana is a beautiful country with beautiful people. It is undoubtedly clear that Ghana is one of the most peaceful, if not the most peaceful country across the globe. 6th March marks an important event in the citizens of Ghana. Ghana is the first sub-saharan Africa nation to declare its independence from colonial rule. Today marks the 64th independence Day. It was at midnight in 1957, when it was announced that Ghana is free from colonization. Ghana’s freedom sparked a wave of decolonization throughout the Africa continent. What we see now as Ghana became part of the British Empire in 1874 and was renamed the “Gold Coast.” Ghana has a long history with the Europeans; the Portuguese happen to be the first Europeans to ‘discover’ ‘former Ghana.’ The British were the last to leave Ghana. After over 70 years of colonial rule, the United Gold Coast Convention convened in 1947 to lay the groundwork for a successful independence movement. The “new nation” needed a new flag, and the pan African colours of red, yellow and green were selected, along with a prominent black star in the center.
We can’t say much about our independence day without mentioning Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. He is indeed a legend. Find time and read more about Kwame Nkrumah

What to do on Independence day.
If you don’t know how to say the Ghana National Anthem and Pledge very well, do well and learn them.

Stanza 1
Stanza 2
Stanza 3

There are three stanzas in the Ghana National Anthem. You should be able to say all three stanzas. You’ll realize that God begins in the stanza 1 of the anthem, and the stanza 3 also ends with God. Ghana is indeed a religious country. God is our master. We love God

Happy independence day

Enjoy this beautiful jamm

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