I can remember exactly the day I began my ‘career’ in playing a musical instrument. I remember how my mom encouraged me and my senior brother to go and learn how to play the brass instrument. This was after an announcement was made in church that, young boys and girls are needed to be trained to play brass band. Of course, as naïve as I were, I saw how beautiful and enticing the drums were and so I had planned that I will play the drums. I had no interest in trumpet nor trombone. In fact I had no interest in any of the brass instruments. My mind was just full of drums. Unfortunately, when we went, the teacher told us they have plenty drummers, he said again that, they are only ‘recruiting’ horn players and not drummers. So I decided to try the trumpet and that’s how far the trumpet has brought me. The trumpet is simply and amazing instrument. In fact, musical instruments are very good. Every child needs to be ‘enrolled’ into at least a musical instrument.
Basically, musical instruments can be grouped into 3: Wind instruments (including woodwind instruments), stringed instruments and percussion.

There are electronic instruments as well (which include keyboards).

Let me share with you some important reasons you need to learn and play musical instrument.

Before we look at the benefits of playing musical instruments, let us see what science has to say about learning musical instruments. Theories and researchers have shown that the human brain benefits a lot from musical instrument. Again, surveys and studies have shown that most of the smart students we have in class have something to do with music or musical instrument. Let us first consider the brain as a muscle; probably the most important muscle in your body. Just like athletes go to the gym frequently to strengthen their muscles, humans need to train and strengthen their brain. There are several ways to strengthen the brain; some read challenging texts, others play cognitive brain games, some learn new language. Which ever way it is done, the brain needs to be fed in order to grow. Learning a musical instrument not only sustains and feeds the brain, but also improves so many cognitive and physical aspects of the human body.
- Musical instrument improves memory
Playing musical instrument doesn’t only improve your memory but improves your cognitive as well. Playing musical instruments requires that you use both left and right parts of the brain; thus working your brain harder and improving your memory. Just like Maestro Eduardo once said, “research has shown that participation in music at an early age can help improve a child’s learning ability and memory by stimulating different patterns of brain development.” It is not surprising that scientists have used music training as a method of neuro-rehabilitation to help improve the function of the brain.
- Engaging in musical instruments can build your confidence
- Music is fun. Playing musical instrument is fun
- Playing musical instrument makes you smart
- Music helps to relieve stress
Dear friends, I will explain to you on the benefits #2-5 in the subsequent episodes.
Stay connected and anticipate more in the next episode.
Watch this video at your perusal
Hey! Get yourself an instrument and begin to play