Picking up your call
Hearing your voice
Takes me back suddenly to that moment where,
Sounds arising from Nights we shared
Echoes back to me through your charming voice
Like springs of flowing waters falling into the ocean
Causes my spine and legs to shake
Legs shaking and moaning to your name
Clearly signifies that this is matters of the heart
Heartbeats gathering to welcome the fact that I’m seeing you tonight
Our dance at the club
Went way out of my lane
Tiptoeing into my room
We sat down to eat
Watching movies and listening to our fav rappers
We could barely laugh
Pillow fight, hugs and kisses
Play dump with me right now
Like the news paper
I awake every morning reading our chats like the daily guide
Nevertheless our plans for the future go about
Eavesdropping without us noticing
Rain falling upon our seeds as we plant them in season with hope of harvesting big
Lightening strucking so we run and hide under the sheets
Just us running helter skelter during the hide and seek section on our checklist
Memories of us intertwining in every aspect of our life’s
Emerges from our savings account
Blessings upon blessings
As we found each other
This moment alone has thousands of years plugged into it
Years of experience
Years of enjoyment
Manifesting our plans and goals for each other
We interlock our fingers and start moving towards our lifes journey
Watching you leave, like every time
Every time we have to part
Pierces my heart
Like an arrow shot directly to my soul
Wishing that we stay in line
Together forever
“Words can not describe how I feel about you”
He says
Making me yearn for more of him every single second of my life
Euphoria suddenly engulfs me so I can rejoice in his embrace
My mind becomes weary of your embrace
Your smell hugs me so tightly I can’t let go
Showers of pegs from your side entails the fact that I can’t live without you my love
Memories has the best of me
Hoping that whatever we planned in bed
Becomes a reality
How excited I was
Only for me to awake from my thoughts and realize I was just reminiscing