Wendell Berry once said that “the earth is what we all have in common.” This statement rings true and becomes even more visionary when we prioritize the environment and seek ways to protect it. If we all view the environment as a shared gift, we will enthusiastically and resolutely work to preserve it. Regardless of where we are on this planet, recognizing the earth as a common resource will change our attitudes for the better. For instance, the actions of people in one location can significantly impact those in another.
As of 2020, the world has faced several serious environmental problems, including:
And many more
Many of these issues are exacerbated by climate change and global warming. While the environment is ostensibly our friend, we must ask ourselves: Are we truly treating it as such? What steps are we taking to protect it, and what are our future plans?
Scientists have been tirelessly working to generate knowledge and solutions for our environmental challenges. Extensive research has been conducted to inform policy-making, but how much do we comply with these directives? In 2015, plans were made to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
However, the reality is that we may not achieve the SDGs by 2030. The SDGs emphasize that no one should be left behind, yet many are already falling behind due to the detrimental activities and lifestyles of others. As George Bernard Shaw wisely said, “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” We must all start thinking about the well-being of the environment.
This shift in mindset should begin with children, who need to be taught the importance of environmental care. By educating children and adolescents on environmental protection, we prepare them to become future researchers and decision-makers. Early training will equip them with the skills needed to safeguard the environment in the coming decades.
The environment is your friend! Let us protect it. Apart from God, the environment is the only common thing we all share. Let us teach our children how to care for it. The environment has much to offer us. Let us work together to protect it!
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