Today is World Poetry Day

World poetry day celebrates one of humanity’s most treasured forms of cultural and linguistic expression and identity. Poems have so many important values to humanity. Poetry, as an art, is something beautiful. Poetry has been practiced throughout history. Poetry has been practiced in every culture and continent. Poetry has been practiced in our religions. In most of our religious books, especially the Bible, we can find some scriptures written in a form of poem. Poetry speaks to our common humanity and our shared values, transforming the simplest of poems into a powerful catalyst for dialogues.



World Poetry Day was founded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1999 to “give fresh recognition and impetus to national, regional and international poetry movements.” It was the dream of the group to inspire the celebration of poetry all over the world, encouraging writing, reading and teaching.


Poetry is a powerful too that comes in so many forms; writing, reading etc. Poetry uses imagery to elicit emotion and the imagination of the reader. Using meters of long and short syllables, poetry can rhyme. Poems are normally broken into stanzas (like ‘paragraphs’), and can be up to twelve lines long. It is believed that the first known poem appeared 4,000 years ago in Babylon. Now, countless types of poems are available to enjoy. Here are some beautiful poems to read

Under the Sheets




Behind my Back



Since Today is also International Day of Forest, permit me to write a poem related to forests



Roosevelt called them “the lungs of the Earth”

Perhaps you don’t know the function of lungs!

Can you respire without the help of your lungs?

Certainly not! We treat these lungs with ‘cruelty’

These lungs have become weak over the years

They need to be protected, they need our kind care

Without them, we will all certainly die, yes! We’ll

These beautiful lungs that nature has given to us

These green treasures need to be protected.

You and I have a worthy cause to protect!





Today is World Poetry Day, join me as we celebrate this Day.

Do well and Post a poem on your social media platforms

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