Walking down the streets of engagement
Winds of memories
Blow towards me
My heart reminiscing
How you made it feel like
Like a flower
Broken into pieces
Through the fingers
Of the rain
Taking me to cloud nine
Making me feel like I’m the only person who had your love
My heart aches
Tears refuse to fall
I can only put my words
And how I feel in a song
Tune in like a radio
Grasp them like a message
They don’t wanna fall
Scared that I’ll leave them hanging too
Walking in between the streets
Cars colliding as I walk in their way
Everyone wandering if I’m okay
Yet I smile and say I’m okay
Leaving me hanging
With me wandering
Whatever I did wrong
Trying harder to reach out
Seems like you’ve stepped back
Wouldn’t want to assume
So I watch you
As you still leave me hanging
I’m afraid now
I’m scared to hope now
Like a boat in the midst of a tempest
Hoping that it doesn’t capsize
Too much hope huh
Watching my heart
Break over and over again
These tears blare my vision
They take away my smile
Yet I still try and smile
Smiling through the pain
I was loosing focus
First my addiction
Now I’m trying hard
Just to leave a moment
Without you
Watching my heart
Shatter over and over again
I was loosing focus
Yet I still hoped you would
Come back
Back from wherever you left off
Back from the cold
Left me in the ice
With no blanket
Had to struggle to the shore
In my mind
My heart and soul
They blamed me
For letting you in
They tortured me
Every single night
Because I let you in
They don’t want to have nothing to do with me
My bed has you memories
My inspiration is taking away from me
You make me wanna lose interest
But I’m trying not to take it personal
But how can I change
This is me
Changing for you
To like me
Hell no
I’m not that type of person
Loosing interest
Was all a step up
By you
You didn’t want it to seem like you pulled the trigger
So making me feel unwanted
I pulled it myself
But you were behind it
Nevertheless I still care
Come back now
Or watch me leave
Never to come back
Neither look back
My tears blares my vision
My respect for you still in intact
Don’t worry about me
My foolishness led me to this point
Foolishness clothed in love
Love which was blinded to the red flags
It made me stumble
I blame myself
No one but me
Fixing myself from this point
I try
Building a wall around me
Once again I start
Egos calling
I’ll answer
This time treading carefully
Without a heart but a brain
Not giving a bonk about anyone’s feelings
‘Cause in the end
It still ends in tears.