The Path…

Wondering, or ever wondered the path you are treading on? Have you ever asked yourself if you are on the right path? What is a path in the first place? Well, I will describe a path as one that leads you to your destined location, place or event.

Oftentimes, we walk and find ourselves in places we never thought of- so many paths at the same time that we wonder and ask, “‘eii’ which am I taking?” What we sometimes forget is, we got to answer this question, and decide which path we are going to journey on. We are faced with so many challenges, obstacles and difficulties. Regardless of these, we actually do decide which path we would journey on. We make certain decisions, after facing the consequences, we start to blame people or put the blame on something. Remember, life has a lot to offer, but it’s left with you to decide the offer to take.

We often times pray, asking the Lord for our needs, and putting before Him our challenges, and not just that, we also dictate to Him how to go about answering our prayers. Surprised? Don’t be because that is what we do. Some might say, but God says that we should come to Him casting our burdens onto Him, and He will give us rest. I solidly agree! But hey, He says just lay it, just cast them on me. In other words, just tell me and leave the rest to me, but is that what we do? We go into prayer, and of course with our problems, but with a ‘solution’ as well.

This is why I would say often times we are confused whether we are in the right path. God is not man that you should dictate to Him. He is God and always wants to be the God He is to His glory not yours, not mine. Trust me, if you should take a break and go back into yourself reflecting on all that you have been through, you will realize God has indeed answered your prayer and is still doing but just not the way you anticipated it or wanted it to be. God is a faithful God, and He alone knows His ways. You might have asked for a wife, but He gave you a friend, a car, but He gave you a motorcycle. But can you just do away with the complaints and lamentations and go down on your knees and ask why this instead of that? You will be surprised at the outcome. There is something in there for you. That is what I call the God’s way!

Let me share this with you once again, I remember those days when I was facing those tough times which I have shared with you in my previous articles;The Wounded Healer, I tried!Broken Experiences, Broken Experiences part 2  It felt like, “what the hell.” Is God there or not? Is He really listening? Like? I remember during that time, my prayer was Lord take me out and put these people to shame, let them see my worth that I too may be appreciated, let them come to know me, Lord make me different….’ei, I laugh as I write this. Trust me, I was in so much pain and at that instant, all I wanted was out; all to my good. I didn’t care, I wasn’t acknowledging Him who I should, I was just full of myself. I went in to pray with pain, but presented pride. Not only that, but I was dictating to God what to do and why He should do it, which on a normal day isn’t wrong but in this space of time was wrong because of my intentions and reasons. Not until recently did I realize this and came to know I have been a “slave” and “fool” to these pains, making it impossible for me to see the path the Lord was journeying with me on. Not my way, but His! How did I realize this? I took a break. I decided to stop lamenting and dictating to Him and instead asked Him to have His way, then I realized how interested I have become in sharing in the pains of others. How I really wanted to discover myself and overcome these things that were lording over my life. I just so much wanted to reach out to more people in pain. I stopped writing in the small journal I kept for myself and started writing on websites. Likewise, I realized to help others, I have to help myself so I decided to go for counseling, I tried to be the friend to others if I couldn’t get them for myself, I am now the music minister he wants me to be, and not what I wanted to be. I just wanted to be close to Him as He made me understand in James 4:8 Draw close to me and I will draw close to you and many more, to summarize it all, I just wanted to live not my way but His way.

I now understand where all of these were from and till today I am much grateful He took me through His way, His path and not mine. And I love how He answered my prayers because the evidence of all I wanted is what we see today. I don’t have to do extraordinary things, I only have to follow His Lead, His Path. Who knows, should my prayers have been answered my way, I may not be here today. I could have been in the dark. This is why I knock on your doors with joy today. Remember, Jeremiah 29:11, For I alone know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,” plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future”.

Hey, He knows, but can we wait on Him and allow Him lead us on the right path? Can we keep enduring?

Verse 12 of this same text says, Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me in your heart.
Did you see that? Before He asked that you pray, He made you aware He knows! And He is going to reveal it to you personally not through someone, He is asking you to be on the same path with Him and follow His lead. He got your back.
Finally, He tells you and me once again in John 16:33 that, the world will bring us troubles, but we should be brave! I (The Lord) has overcome the world.

Worry no more, just go through the right path by prayer and by perseverance, and you will see it truly that indeed you are on the right path. Regardless of what the world presents, regardless of what you are going through, you need to journey on the right path to sail through. Keep journeying, keep waiting, keep praying, you will see and know the path. Kindly listen and pray with this song by Tasha Cobbs Leonard with me

Stay blessed, and please let me hear from you.

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