All Saints’ Day is a solemn holy day of the Catholic Church celebrated annually on 1st November. All Saints’ Day is dedicated to the saints of the Church (all those who have attained heaven). Though millions or even billions of people may already be saints, All Saints’ Day observances tend to focus on known saints (that is those recognized in the canon of the saints by the Catholic Church). All Saints’ Day is also commemorated by members of the Eastern Orthodox Church as well as some protestant churches, such as Lutheran and Anglican churches.
Generally, All Saints’ Day is a Catholic Holy Day of Obligation, meaning all Catholics are required to attend Mass on that day, unless they have an excellent excuse, such as serious illness.
All Saints’ Day was formally started by Pope Boniface IV, who consecrated the Pantheon at Rome to the Virgin Mary and all the Martyrs on 13th May in the year 609 AD. Boniface IV also established All Souls’ Day, which is the day after All Saints day.
The choice for All Saints’ Day may have been intended to co-opt the pagan holiday “Feast of the Lamures,” (a day which pagans used to placate the restless spirits of the dead).
All Saints’ Day was eventually established on 1st November by Pope Gregory III in the mid-eighth century as a day dedicated to the saints and their relics. Subsequently, the May 13 celebration was abandoned.
All Saints’ Day was instituted by Pope Gregory III within 731-741AD when a chapel was consecrated to all martyrs in the Peter’s basilica in Rome. Formerly, All Saints’ Day was celebrated only in Rome. However, Pope Gregory IV within 827-844 AD extended this celebration to the entire church. This feast was first celebrated in the early fourth century in Antioch during Easter seasons. This is a very important festival of all saints (known and unknown). During the Roman persecutions against Christianity, martyrs were increased therefore there are so many martyrs unknown to Christians, who have martyred for the cause of Christianity. Since there was no formal Papal Canonization of saints before 993, this feast enables us to pray with the earlier Christian martyrs for their intercession in our causes.
Other countries have different rules according to their national bishop’s conferences. The bishops of each conference have the authority to amend the rules surrounding the obligation of the day.
How to celebrate All Saints’ Day
1. Attend mass on All Saints’ Day if you are a catholic. If you are a non-Catholic, you may also attend mass to see how this holy day is celebrated.
2. Saints are already in heaven and they can play very significant roles in making us live righteous and holy lives. On this day, ask for the intercession of the saints.
3. Newton once said ‘I see farther because I stand on the shoulders of giants.’ If you want to be happy in life and see far, stand on the shoulders of a saint of your choice. There are so many saints whose intercessions have been ‘categorized’ into several situations and professions. You may choose a saint or saints and your life will never be the same
4. Choose a patron saint for yourself. My patron is St. Albert the great! Who is yours? Have you found one yet? If you haven’t, find one for yourself on this day.
Enjoy the rest of the day even as you listen
to some nice trumpet tune from Wynton Marsalis. and my self, Bro Sam horns- “When the saints go marching in”