Anosmia Awareness Day is observed on February 27 every year. It is a day to spread awareness about anosmia, which is the loss of the sense of smell, or as some people call it, nose blind. Did you know that loss of smell is associated with diseases that affect brain cells like Alzheimer’s in the future? Yes, loss of sense of smell is not to be taken lightly, and people need to be educated to prevent anosmia.

The medical term for the loss of smell is known as anosmia. It is most often caused by an infection or injury to your nose or brain and can be temporary or permanent depending on what has happened. There are two types of loss of smell — hyposmia and anosmia. Hyposmia is a partial loss of the sense of smell, whereas anosmia is when someone has completely lost their ability to smell anything at all! Anosmia Awareness Day was established by Daniel Schein in 2012. Schein was diagnosed with anosmia in the fifth grade. But it was not until 2011 that he started his research about anosmia and decided to create an organization called Anosmia Awareness.
This is a non-profit organization to spread awareness for those without a sense of smell. They are also on a path to encourage research centers around the world to research treatment options for anosmia.
Anosmia affects over 200,000 people in the U.S. alone, and there is no real cure or treatment for it at this time. However, many of these patients have found ways to work around their condition with the help of others so you can too! Losing your sense of smell can be a scary thing. You may think that you are going to lose all of the wonderful things in life, like smelling flowers or tasting food, but there are some things that people with anosmia find helpful! So, be strong and pay a visit to your doctor.
Credit: National Today