The human eye is a powerful organ that can make or unmake the entire human body. Sometimes, I am compelled to say the blind are more fortunate than the sighted. Comparatively, in the animal and invertebrate ‘kingdoms,’ those that appear to be blind or have poor eyesight seem to flourish better than those with good eyesight.
I was in a discussion some time ago and a colleague mentioned that “the many sins we commit start with the eyes,” quickly, I realized how deep and truthful it is.
Organisms with good eyesight, including humans, come with a lot of challenges which can influence their lives. Virtually all sins committed by humans begin with the eyes. Most of the sins we commit begin with what the eyes see. The human eye is part of the five major sense organs of the body; eyes for sight, ears to hear, nose to smell, tongue to taste and skin to feel or touch. The human eye is the most dominant sense organ used by all humans (except the blind). We perceive a lot with our eyes. The five human sense organs communicate with the brains. However, the eye appears to be the sense organ that has a more ‘mutual’ communication with the brain.
In learning, many people use their sense of sight than any other sense organ. The eyes appear to be the dominant sense organ when it comes to learning, this is the reason many people are ‘pictorial learners.’ Many humans are able to grasp and recollect what they learn through pictures.
The eye is a powerful “tool.” As a human born with good eyesight, the most painful experience to ever have is to lose your eyes. Despite the importance of the human eyes, they play instrumental roles in our lives. The human eyes can influence how we think, control our moods; can make us cry or laugh.
Notwithstanding, one challenging thing about the eyes is that, the eyes play roles in the many sins we commit, hence we need to ‘WATCH our eyes’. We need to protect our eyes. We need to be mindful of what we see or watch. The eyes are beautiful, but with so many challenges. Every human cherishes his or her eyes, and so will try as much as possible to physically protect the eyes from damage. Have we ever thought of the psychological, emotional, spiritual and intellectual damage we give to our eyes whenever we see or watch the wrong things?
Many people are suffering from “addictions” and some unhealthy behaviours because the eyes saw and are still seeing “unhealthy things” and these things have ‘imprinted’ in the brain. Whenever these images come into the mind as a form of ‘recollection,’ then the victim is compelled to engage in the bad behaviour he or she is suffering from. Just like some images or pictures trigger our brains for us to remember something we have learnt, those into ‘addictions’ or unhealthy behaviours ‘resume’ to engage in unhealthy behaviours as a result of a trigger, either pictorially or anything at all. Sometimes, the environment can just communicate to the person and in the brain, it will interpret or draw a picture of what the person has seen before. Therefore, if the eyes are always found seeing unhealthy things, the environment will communicate to the brain and the brain will interpret it in line with what the eyes normally see. This is what normally makes us sin.
Let us protect our eyes. The eye is a powerful tool!
Let us be mindful of what we read, let us be mindful of what we see and watch. They feed our souls. It may be difficult to discipline ourselves with regard to what we watch, but let us be reminded that self-control is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Let us pray for the fruit of self-control. Let us feed our souls with nourishable and good “food” and our lives will never be the same.
May God bless us all. Enjoy your day