World HIV AIDS Vaccine Awareness Day- 2022

World HIV AIDS Vaccine Awareness Day is celebrated on May 18 to acknowledge all those people who are working towards finding a vaccine for HIV. The day is a reminder about the importance of HIV vaccine research. AIDS is a life-threatening disease that has no cure as yet. HIV Vaccine Awareness Day is aimed to make sure that people take proper precautions to avoid the spread of HIV. It is also a day to reach out to HIV-positive patients and help them cope with it.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) are two Lentivirus (a retrovirus subgroup) species that infect people. The virus progresses to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). It’s a disease that causes the immune system to gradually collapse, leading to occurrence of life-threatening infections. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, affects cells that assist the body fight infection. HIV increases a person’s risk of contracting other diseases. It is disseminated by contact with HIV-positive people’s body fluids. However, if HIV is not treated, AIDS or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome can develop.

Currently, there is no vaccine that can either prevent or treat HIV infection. Scientists are, nevertheless, working on an AIDS vaccine. Because of access to life-saving Anti-Retroviral Therapy, or ART, an increasing number of people living with HIV are leading normal lives..

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