Text Your Ex Day- 2022

Every year on October 30 is Text Your Ex Day. Whether you usually do the breaking up or are the one who’s broken up with — Text Your Ex Day doesn’t discriminate. So get out your phone, think of something you want to say, and participate in Text Your Ex Day.

To text or not to text, that is the question. Sometimes our curiosity just gets the best of us, and there’s no harm in checking on someone that used to mean the world to you. These interactions can sometimes be a bit awkward in person or over the phone, so luckily texting was invented!

Though the technology to implement it existed since 1988, SMS messaging was used for the first time on December 3, 1992. A 22 year old test engineer by the name of Neil Papworth used a personal computer to send the world’s first text message, “Merry Christmas”, to the phone of Richard Jarvis, who was at a party. However, it wasn’t until 2007 that text messaging became the most popular form of communication for mobile phones.

Even before text messaging became a widely used method of communication, we’ve had our best friends by our sides, telling us not to reach out to our exes and move on with our own lives. However, this bestie duty wasn’t always necessary as splitting up wasn’t common practice until the recent 1900s. In 1971, Ronald Regan (while still governor California), signed into state law that a couple could legally split due to “irreconcilable differences.” It wasn’t until 2010 that every state had their own version of the no-fault divorce law, the lagging state being New York who required exes to live in separate homes for a year before a judge could convert their separation into a divorce.

Credit: National Today

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