Our psychological makeup makes us who we are. Our immediate surroundings can influence what we become in future. What we experience in our childhood greatly affects us, but does not determine who we are or what we become. Life in itself has a lot to offer us but it’s dependent on us to choose what we want in life. I once had a similar challenge, where I had difficulty in making decisions, as my thoughts were messed up (still on that though better). How do you solve a problem without necessarily knowing what exactly you are solving? It sometimes looks as though there is someone, but you are alone. You may get people around you who will tell you “I am here for you”, and “we are in this together,” meanwhile you might still be feeling alone. It is okay but hey, you ought to redefine your fate!

No one thought Joseph would become a governor after all that he had gone through, yet he became a governor and fed multitudes. Before he was appointed governor, he could not even feed himself. However, he fed people extensively such that he even fed those who persecuted him. Maybe you have felt invisible, maybe your situation looks like one which has gone unnoticed, maybe you feel lost in yourself because of what you have seen, what you have heard, or what you think… that is fine dear. But you must redefine your fate.

Today, we can’t talk about the genealogy of Jesus Christ, our Saviour, without mentioning Tamar. She had to redefine her fate after she had been through so many challenges. Read about Zacchaeus’ encounter with Jesus Christ. What didn’t people say about Zacchaeus? Despite his rejection by society, when he finally made up his mind to redefine himself, Jesus Christ approved it and even called him the son of Abraham. Tell yourself that, “I too am a child of God.”

Redefine yourself such that you do not necessarily have to let the whole world know that you are doing something extraordinary, just especially do the ordinary things and people will recognize your efforts. I often say let others tell your success story on your behalf.

Oftentimes when you go through these shambles, you tend to take in a lot, sadly, they are buried deep within you such that they become a part of you without you realizing. You become extremely sad and cannot define your fate, later, it becomes a new normal. You seem not to be happy, yet when stepping out, you can put smiles on the faces of many people while you are sad within. You sometimes question yourself, “who am I?” and it goes on and on. Dear vulnerable friends, that’s a BIG SCAM. It’s a lie! You too are somebody. You have to redefine your fate. You are taking in a lot that does not define who you are. Trust me, I know what I am saying. I have been there before, and I am still trying to come out fully from this SCAM. That is part of the reason I am sharing this piece with you inspired by the Holy Spirit, and just to uplift you. I prayed and reflected on my life, and I was convinced that I needed to redefine my life, the state of my mind, my worries, frustrations, pains, anger, bitterness and so on.

Instead of living in pain and bitterness, crying, faking waves of laughter, and feeding your mind with everyday occurrences, rather feed it with love, and nurture your pains to make the wounds die off immediately. That is an example of redefining your life. One may say it’s easier said than done, but as true as it may sound, it is still possible to redefine your life irrespective of how long it may take. Even though I am sharing this piece with you, it is also to me. I am in tears, and even as I type this. The pains are too much and sometimes unbearable, especially when you have been experiencing them almost throughout your lifetime. Notwithstanding, we need to also see the brighter things of this life – what exists beyond the hurt, troubles, etc.? What is the essence of going through hardships in life and yet being unable to enjoy its aftermath when the hardships finally fade away or die off? I do not think you have given up yet in life regardless of the hardships. This is because normally those who find themselves in such instances always want to make it in life. Why struggle if you are not ready to nurse the injuries properly so as not to create any infections? Yes, I know if you nurse them, the scars would be there, always serving as a reminder, but let me ask, isn’t it better to prevent the sore from opening up rather than leaving it? The scars are marks that would always be there. Yes, I agree but instead of reminding you of the pain, let it remind you of that which you are redefining. Should you redefine, these scars would remind you of how strong you are and how courageous you have been to have fought to this point and that I think is better than a wound that keeps opening up.


You have been placed in a place of still waters, that is what this write-up seeks to achieve and communicate. A place where you can deal with the chaos. It’s not only about what is going on around you, but what is going on within you. If you can define that, then you can redefine your surrounding which intends redefines who you are, what you are, and what you stand for. When you do not limit your visions to your situation, then you get direction to resist distraction to preserve and better your tomorrow such that it is beyond comprehension. Your today might be a build-up to your tomorrow so regardless of how your today is, how you treat it determines how your tomorrow would be. You cannot allow yourself to be defined by the things around you (your ordinary) and expect to see a change until you pick up the broken pieces and redefine (your extraordinary). Which are you sticking to? For me, it’s a redefine!

4 thoughts on “REDEFINE”

  1. Great piece, may the Holy Spirit help you and anyone reading this to redefine thier Lives to be Like Christ. God bless you.

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